Thank you to 400+ ASCs for completing the ASC Safety & Quality Assessment!
The submission period is now closed; stay tuned for updates!

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About the ASC Quality Collaboration

The only organization exclusively dedicated to advancing patient safety and quality of care delivery in ambulatory surgical centers.

What the ASCQC does

Our primary focus is on patient safety, internal measure development, maintenance and public reporting projects, and collaboration with other ASC stakeholder groups to advance quality of care delivery.

In addition to these priorities, the ASC Quality Collaboration:

  • Maintains ASC Benchmarking data and measure specifications on our website
  • Provides collaboration and networking opportunities with industry experts.
  • Provides quality improvement tools and resources pertinent to ASCQC measures
  • Provides input regarding the CMS ASC Quality Reporting Program through participation in the Partnership for Quality Measurement, annual ASCQR Program rulemaking, and program assistance
  • Works collaboratively with other measure developers where common goals exist
  • Seeks to participate in other federal measure development projects that impact the ASC setting, and/or provides public comment when participation is not possible

Please know that the ASCQC and ASCA are separate entities. Both organizations work closely together to promote the ASC value story. The ASCQC’s mission is to advance patient safety and quality of care delivery in ambulatory surgical centers. Click here for ASCA’s mission.

ASC Quality Collaboration History

The ASC Quality Collaboration (ASCQC) is a collaborative effort of ASC industry and professional associations, ASC management companies, accrediting bodies, and IT/Software Vendors companies.

The ASCQC was created in 2006 to develop, support, and promote the standardized measures of quality appropriate to ASCs.

The ASCQC believed measures should be within the control of the ASC as well as understandable and important to key stakeholders. Our initial measure development efforts focused on aspects of care that all ASCs could report on regardless of specialty. Currently our measure development activities take other considerations into account, including measure “gaps” identified by national policy setting organizations.

Once the initial set of measures was finalized, ASC Quality Collaboration members submitted data on all the measures. This resulted in the creation of the quarterly benchmarking reports which are publicly posted on the website and represent the strong collaboration among members to promote safety and quality.

The ASC Quality Collaboration was incorporated in 2012. The organizational structure includes the Board of Directors (BOD), Executive Committee, Technical Expert Committee (TEC) and Executive Director.

Mission, Values, and Vision

Mission: To advance patient safety and quality of care delivery in ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs).

Values: Quality/Patient Safety/Clinical and Service Excellence/Accountability

Vision: To serve as an ASC quality and patient safety resource center.

Executive Leadership

The Executive Director of the ASC Quality Collaboration reports to the Board of Directors and oversees all operations and activities of the organization. The Assistant Executive Director reports to and supports the efforts of the Executive Director.

Nina Goins

Executive Director
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Becky Ziegler-Otis

Assistant Executive Director
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Board of Directors

The Board of Directors provides operational and strategic direction. The BOD is comprised of one designee from each of its members with voting rights. All members, regardless of voting status, are welcome to participate in BOD meetings.

Board Chair
Finance Chair

Tamala Norris-McJunkins

Surgery Partners
SVP & Enterprise Chief Clinical Officer

TEC Chair

Elizabeth Wilson

Tenet Healthcare/USPI
Quality Manager


William Prentice

ASCA Foundation

Brooke Moore (Blackwell) 

Lead Senior Director, Clinical Quality

Rebecca Craig

ASCA Foundation
CEO, Harmony Surgery Center

Katie Duchscher

Regent Surgical
Director of Clinical Operations

Zachary George

The Joint Commission
Executive Director, Ambulatory Health Care Accreditation

Nikki Hurley

Key Whitman Eye Center
Director of Surgical Services

Julie Lynch

Director, Institute for Quality Improvement

Dare Underwood Meeks

SCA Health
Chief Nursing Officer

David Shapiro

ASCA Foundation
Anesthesiologist & Medical Director

Denise Ventura

Surgery Ventures powered by HCA Healthcare
VP of Patient Safety and Quality

Carrie Walters

Tenet Healthcare/USPI
National Director Perioperative Services

Jeanine Watson

Senior Manager Ambulatory Surgery Division

Teresa Yancey

Specialist Management Solutions
Senior Director, Clinical Quality and Operations

Technical Expert Committee

The Technical Expert Committee (TEC) provides direction and guidance regarding all clinical and technical matters. The TEC is comprised of clinical/technical representatives from each of the member organizations. Task Forces comprised of TEC members address specific strategies such as the IT Platform, Measure Development, and Website enhancement. TEC member organizations participate in pilot testing of new quality measures.

Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC): Julie Lynch, MS, BSN, RN

Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC): Rommie Johnson, MPH, PMP, CHC and Cyndi Newman, MSHL, BSN, RN

ASCA Foundation (ASCAF): David Shapiro, MD, and Gina Throneberry, RN, MBA, CASC, CNOR

AMSURG: Brooke Moore (Blackwell), MBAHM, BSN, RN and Sarah Bailey

ASC Quality Collaboration: Nina Goins, MSN, RN and Becky Ziegler-Otis, MHA, CASC

Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN): Jeanine Watson, MSN, RN, CNOR(E), CASC and Renae Battie, MN, RN, CNOR

California Ambulatory Surgery Association (CASA): Beth LaBouyer, RN, CNOR, CASC

Consultant: Kim Wood, MD

ECRI: Andy Poole, FACHE and Heather David, MSN, CRNP, AGACNP-BC

Florida Society of Ambulatory Surgery Centers (FSASC): Linda Nash, MBA, CASC, HRM and Sandra Jones, MBA, MSM, CASC, CPHRM, CHCQM, FHFMA

GI Alliance: Kelly Rouvaldt, RN, BSHA, CPHQ, CHC

HST Pathways: Tara Vail and Kathi Gascho, RN, BSN

Indiana Federation of Ambulatory Surgery Centers: Caryn Fink, RN, BSN, CASC and Tami Robinson, MSN, BSN, RN, CASC

Kaiser Permanente: Donna Berning, MS, BS, RN, CPHQ, HACP, CLSSBB

Merritt Healthcare: Debra Morfea, MSN, RN, CAPA

Michigan Ambulatory Surgery Association: Jen Vallier, RN, BSN

New Jersey Association of Ambulatory Surgery Centers (NJAASC): Sheila McAteer, RN, BSN, MHA, and Cori Prisco, RN, DNP, MSJ, CASC

New York State Association of Ambulatory Surgery Centers (NYSAASC): Kristen Jackson, BSN, RN, CAIP

NueHealth: Lenora Woolsey, RN, MSN, CNOR

NVision Eye Centers: Jennifer Moul, RN, BSN, MHA and John Hays RN, BSN, MHA

Outpatient Ophthalmic Surgery Society (OOSS): Maria Tietjen, RN, BSN, CSPD, CAIP

Proliance Surgeons: Peggy Wellman, Christina Girardi, MSM, & Micaela Vaughn, MHA

QUAD A: Beverly Robins, MBA, BSN, RN and Elethia Dean, RN, BSN, MBA, PhD

Regent Surgical Health: Katie Duchscher, RN, CASC

SCA Health: Dare Underwood Meeks, RN, MSN, CASC, Lisa Sinsel, MSN, RN, Bonnie Ferguson, RN, BSN, Karen Nefores, RN, BSN, MBA, CPHQ, CPPS

Sovereign Healthcare: Lynn Dugan, BSN, RN, CASC, CNAMB, NE-BC

Specialist Management Solutions: Teresa Yancey, JD, RN, CCM, CPHQ and Shaunda Stewart, MSN, RN

Surgery Partners: Tamala Norris-McJunkins, DHA, BSN, RN, CPHQ, HACP, LSSGBC/Finance Chair and Lori Seymore, MBA, BSN, RN, CPHRM, CAIP

Surgery Ventures powered by HCA Healthcare: Rae Bastable, MSN, RN, CPHQ, CPPS

Surgical Management Professionals: Allison Stock, JD, RN, CASC

Tenet Healthcare/United Surgical Partners International (USPI): Carrie Walters, DNP, MS N/HSM, RN; Orianna Nibarger, MBA, MSN, RN, Anita Lambert-Gale, RN, and Elizabeth Wilson, RN, BSN, MBA, CPPS/Chair of Technical Expert Committee

The Joint Commission: JohnMarc Alban, RN, BSN, MSHI

US Heart and Vascular:  Jennifer James, RN, BSN, and Brad Checker, RN

Contact us today to learn more about how we can support you.

ASC Quality Collaboration

The only organization exclusively dedicated to advancing patient safety and quality of care delivery in ambulatory surgery centers.