Ambulatory Surgery Center Toolkits
To support the ASC industry’s focus on high quality care, the ASC Quality Collaboration has assembled ASC Toolkits. Our goal is to make these resources readily accessible to ASCs by bringing them together in one location.

The resources in these toolkits may only be used for internal improvement and education efforts. They may not be used for commercial purposes.
Please refer also to the CDC’s guide, Guide to Infection Prevention in Outpatient Settings: Minimum Expectations for Safe Care and the accompanying checklist Infection Prevention Checklist for Outpatient Settings: Minimum Expectations for Safe Care.
Additional resources on these topics may be available for a fee from organizations such as AORN and APIC.
Comments and other feedback may be directed to Nina Goins, Executive Director, ASC Quality Collaboration,
Endoscope Reprocessing Toolkit
Close adherence to established guidelines for reprocessing endoscopic equipment is essential to preventing the transmission of pathogens.
Environmental Infection Prevention Toolkit
Appropriate environmental infection prevention practices are important to maintaining a safe environment of care for both patients and providers.
Hand Hygiene
Hand hygiene reduces the risk of healthcare associated infections. Clean hands are the single most important factor in preventing the spread of pathogens and antibiotic resistance in healthcare settings.
Point of Care Devices
Point of care testing occurs at or near the site of patient care and is accomplished through the use of transportable, portable, and handheld instruments.
Prevention of Patient Falls Toolkit
Patients cared for in ASCs are at heightened risk for a fall due to the impact of the procedures/surgeries performed, and the use of sedation/anesthesia/analgesia in providing these services.
Safe Injection Practices Toolkit
Safe injection practices are crucial to basic levels of patient safety and provider protection. Hepatitis C virus, hepatitis B virus, and HIV can be spread from patient to patient when safe injection practices are not used.
Single-Use Device Reprocessing Toolkit
Effective reprocessing is critical to reducing the risk of transmission of healthcare associated infections when single-use devices are reused.
Sterilization and High-Level Disinfection Toolkit
Effective sterilization and high-level disinfection are critical in reducing the risk of transmission of healthcare associated infections.
Wrong Site
Prevention Toolkit
Incidence of wrong surgery is low, however, the impact on patient care with each incident makes this an ASC priority.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can support you.
ASC Quality Collaboration
The only organization exclusively dedicated to advancing patient safety and quality of care delivery in ambulatory surgery centers.