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>   Resources  >  Toolkits  >  Single-Use Device Reprocessing

Single-Use Device Reprocessing Toolkit

The resources in this toolkit may only be used for internal improvement and education efforts. They may not be used for commercial purposes.

Effective reprocessing is critical to reducing the risk of transmission of healthcare associated infections when single-use devices are reused. Reprocessing of single-use devices must be performed by an FDA-approved reprocessing facility and should not be done in individual facilities.

The ASC Quality Collaboration has assembled a variety of resources and information that may be used to supplement your current processes to improve reprocessing practices.

The Single-Use Device Reprocessing Toolkit contains both essential resources and a broader array of materials, including:

Assessment Tools

Implementation Aids

Training Materials

  • To the best of our knowledge, no free resources are currently available.

Monitoring Tools

  • Reprocessing Audit Template: This sample template may be used to periodically monitor the single-use devices sent for third-party reprocessing. This template may be modified to accommodate the needs of each center.

Workplace Reminders

  • Reprocessing Guide Template: This sample template may serve as a means of reminding staff members which single-use devices are approved by the facility for reprocessing. This template should be adapted to meet the individual needs of each facility.
  • Single-Use Device Reprocessing Poster: If your facility has decided to reprocess single-use devices, this poster may serve as a reminder to staff members.

Guidelines from Leading Authorities

Resources Cited

The materials presented here include publicly available resources from the following organizations:

Comments and other feedback may be directed to Nina Goins, Executive Director, ASC Quality Collaboration.


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ASC Quality Collaboration

The only organization exclusively dedicated to advancing patient safety and quality of care delivery in ambulatory surgery centers.